Language & Communication

Police Celebrate St David's Day With a BSL Performance of Welsh Anthem
Dyfed Powys Police making history and bridging the gap with the Deaf Community
1st March 2021

You Think You Know British Sign Language? Think Again!
Through increased popularity of the beauty and effectiveness of signed language, ignorance rears its sorry head.
22nd May 2018

BSL Changed The Quality Of My Life
Loss of hearing brought isolation and a break down in family communication - learning BSL has changed that.
20th May 2018

Whole Life Benefits From Access to Sign Language - Birth To Three
New research not only supports the benefits of signing in acquiring language skills, but finds it boosts brain power
15th February 2016

Deaf people still denied chance to do business through email and on-line chat
With new technology, comes better Deaf access, but too many businesses still insist on a telephone call
27th January 2016

BSL Advent Calendar - Helping Adults and Children to Learn Festive Signs
Christmas time is always popular to share some seasonal good wishes in sign language
1st December 2015

Should we be bothered with BSL linguistics
Concentrating on the rules, there are numerous examples of inaccurate signs every day
1st November 2015

So you want to be a sign language interpreter?
A Road Map for those interested in becoming a BSL/English interpreter
1st November 2015

Promoting Indian Sign Language Inside Bombay Taxi Cab
Designed to encourage conversations with Deaf people, Deaf children loved the highly visual design highlighting their language
26th October 2015

Deaf Community Given No Consideration by Met Police Commissioner's Recruitment Policy
Understanding that communities have different needs from its police force, the Met Police demonstrates ignorance to the needs of Deaf people
22nd July 2015