Deaf Lifestyle
The Snug

Old, Deaf and Side-lined by my Family
Becoming Deaf has brought loneliness to family get togethers, even though I am amongst loved ones
25th January 2016

Deaf and Young at Heart? – Good News for Those Under or Approaching 60
As life expectancy grows, 60 is regarded as the new middle age
4th January 2016

WWII Memories as a Young Lad
Now Hard of Hearing, Ernie reflects on his time growing up during the war
4th December 2014

Golf Well Placed to Tackle The Issue Of Age Related Loneliness
Loneliness affects many elderly people, but golf provides the opportunity for companionship, exercise and well-being
17th October 2014

Valuing Our Veterans - David Hogan
90 years old David Hogan recalls his involvement in the D-Day landings
19th August 2014

WWII Veteran Les Birch attends DDay70
Returning to the Normandy beaches 70 years after his D-Day landing, Les enjoyed an intimate return.
19th August 2014

My Music (with digressions) and Hearing Loss
Becoming Hard of Hearing later in life has all sorts of implications, the inability to enjoy music being one of them
16th March 2014

Help me Please, I'm Going Deaf
Getting older and becoming deaf poses lots of new challenges, but who is there to give advice
19th February 2014

Sign Language Interpretation on Remembrance Sunday
Remembrance Sunday - interpreter provided at Walsall
8th November 2013

Hard of Hearing - Isolating and Lonely
Age related deafness can leave people confused, isolated and lonely
10th October 2013