Deaf Life

An interview with Deaf Business Woman and BSL Teacher Sarah Lawrence
Shared aspirations and with a programme of action in mind.
9th November 2017

Commitment and Tenacity Supporting Uganda National Association of the Deaf
Florence Nightingale Mukasa puts heart and soul into working for Deaf people in Uganda
23rd November 2015

Deaf Brit Working to Empower Deaf Jordanian Communities
Ambitious to make a difference, Paul Scott has developed programmes in Jordan that are really making a difference
14th November 2015

Deafism - the Hidden and Never Talked About Discrimination
Daily discrimination is a common experience for many Deaf people in their work and private lives
8th November 2015

Introducing a Hearing Dog to the home
Adding value to the household, hearing dogs also support independence
5th November 2015

Leading the way on Deaf designed housing
'Deaf-Friendly by Design', American construction company DePaul show what is possible when proper consideration is made
19th October 2015

Should Deaf Equality Really be so Limited in Scope
People with a commercial interest often sacrifice true Deaf Equality for personal influence or financial gain
11th October 2015

Deaf Model Making an Impact on Popular American TV Show
4th generation Deaf, Nyle DiMarco has nothing but positive thoughts about what deaf people can do
6th September 2015

What businesses can do to help when it comes to deaf staff members
Making an organisation Deaf-Friendly is progressive and inclusive
4th September 2015

A Helping Hand
Unity used to be our strength, but is a more competitive attitude beating it out
11th July 2015