Deaf Life

Is an Attitude of Tokenism to Deaf Awareness Better Than Nothing At All
A minimalist attitude to training in deafness has the potential to do more harm than good
7th June 2015

Dr. Philip Zazove Defies the so-called 'Experts on Deafness'
Given life-limiting potential because of deafness, this Doctor proves how wrong the 'experts' can be.
28th May 2015

Turning A Deaf Ear Should Mean Greater Awareness
Used commonly to criticise being ignored, everyone should know action is needed to prevent isolation of Deaf people
22nd April 2015

Deaf Restauranteurs Thrive Through Approach To Communication
Launching a Deaf run pizza restaurant - Mozzeria in San Francisco - the Stein's appeal to hearing and deaf guests
13th April 2015

Braam Jordaan, Instrumental Deaf Film Producer and Human Rights Ambassador
Born Deaf to Deaf parents, Braam is a wonderful Deaf success story
8th April 2015

Deaf Ladies Reflection On International Women's Day
In heralding hopes for the future, IWD is a good time to look back to get inspiration for the fights ahead
8th March 2015

Deaf People 'Can Do' - And We Can Make A Difference
Politics is not just what politicians do - anyone can get involved, and anyone can drive change
28th February 2015

Deaf Opinions Facebook Page - a New On-Line Deaf Club?
Facebook has opened up an on-line community for Deaf people to get involved and to help others
26th February 2015

To Be, Or Not To be – Deaf
Reflecting on his own deafness, Tony Stoyles now embraces being deaf
22nd February 2015

Transition to Being Deaf - It Has It's Problems!
When hearing turns to deafness, the world is suddenly a very different place
28th January 2015