Search Results for Services,
10 Articles found
Deaf Friendly Council Services
Bridgend County Borough Council offering Deaf Friendly Services
Bridgend Council Setting the Standard
Bridgend County Council are taking steps to becoming more and more deaf friendly
Disappointing Doctor
All Wales Standards for Communication with patients with sensory loss, seems to have bypassed my doctor's surgery
Live Chats: a great alternative to phone calls!
Fed up of using the phone for customer support and make enquiries - we have a quick look at online 'live chat' facilities.
Deaf Basketball Training Sessions
Deaf Basketball Sessions every week with Qualified Coach and Interpreter support
Wonderful dad ensures Deaf Friendly activities for his daughter
Andre Ferguson launches Meaka Bears to fill the gap in local deaf services
USA shows UK how to Improve Access to Emergency Services
999 is a critical public service, it is not readily accessible to deaf people at a time when the US are opening their 911 service
Carmarthenshire County Council - Providing Information to the Deaf Community
Introducing the i-Local facility, the Council want Deaf residents to know about their deaf friendly services
Concerns raised over the protection of deaf children as report finds them ‘invisible’ to local authority social care teams
NDCS Report highlights the plight of Deaf children
Light at the end of the tunnel for a Deaf Friendly 999 system?
This week's report by Professor Stewart captures many of the issues the Deaf community have been arguing for, for years.