Art & Photography

St David's Day, Welsh Tradition and BSL
St David's Day is an ideal time to celebrate and highlight traditional Welsh sign language
1st March 2015

The Power and Wonderment of Photography
Through the eye of a camera lens, wonderful places like Paris just come alive
19th January 2015

Raising the Bar was developed by NDCS to make dance and music more accessible for the 45,000 deaf children and young people in the UK.
12th January 2015

Art Festivals Promotes Creative Opportunities for Deaf Children
Deaf Children Treated to Inspirational Art Event
21st December 2014

Top Tips for Winter Pics
Snapping away during Winter is as much fun as any other time of year
20th November 2014

Hints and Tips for Autumn Photography
With more people than ever before carrying a camera around with them, Natasha gives some useful hints and tips for Autumn photography
15th August 2014

Spring Photography
Seasons provide different opportunities for keen photographers and here Dafydd talks about Spring
13th February 2014

Kate Evans' Photography Tips
Kate Evans- Tips and Hints to take some wonderful Winter photos
19th November 2013

Deaf Photographers
An article discussing the merits of photography and the action of one tutor to make his business deaf friendly
13th October 2013

Photography The Rule of Thirds
A regular feature from Deaf photographers giving hints and tips to improve your pictures
13th October 2013