Deaf Lifestyle
Health & Well-being

Disappointing Doctor
All Wales Standards for Communication with patients with sensory loss, seems to have bypassed my doctor's surgery
21st January 2014

Will you make a New Year's Resolution
New Year's Resolutions are a great way to get inspired - but in the UK we dont carry through our good intentions!
31st December 2014

Lights Out for Dog Walkers
With street lighting being turned off to save money, deaf dog owners face additional dangers.
21st December 2013

Save a Life with a Cold Alarm
This is one way to make elderly loved are not overly exposed to the dangers of cold weather
25th November 2013

Gardening for Good Health
It's official, gardening and doing some DIY is good for you!
25th November 2013

Joshua Ledbetter - Me and My LP3 Project
Joshua Ledbetter tells us about the pursuit of his dream to have his own fitness and well-being business.
24th November 2013

NHS and the Right to an Interpreter
In an NHS setting communication is central to safety.
12th November 2013

Cases of diabetes still on the rise
The cases of diabetes is still on the rise, but people seem unaware of the risk to serious health problems
2nd November 2013

Fun Family Walks
Using fun family walks to get some exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle
13th October 2013

Exercise - it might save your life
The modern day lifestyle is largely sedentary, so exercise is more important now than ever
13th October 2013