
BSL tokenism in Schools
Discussing the lack of BSL being taught in schools and whether it should be on the National Curriculum.
23rd September 2014

UN Convention Education
The decisions on deaf education by this head teacher, other educationalists, policy makers and the political elite is life-limiting on these deaf youngsters.
22nd September 2014

Let’s get social: Preparing for University
Even if you are Deaf, it's important to get stuck into Fresher's Week at University
25th August 2014

Let’s get academic: Preparing for University
Deaf and going to university? Here are some quick hints to assist you
25th August 2014

SEN Proposals will let Deaf kids down
Government plans to change support for Deaf kids builds on historical errors
16th July 2014

NDCS Listening Bus Visit to Machynys Golf Club
Combining the provision of deaf related information with a fun activity is a winning combination
22nd April 2014

Dog Tails
Cruiser, a chocolate Labrador go to school to help children with their reading and confidence
3rd March 2014

Just a thought....
Has the disintegration of our counties affected the education and well-being of our deaf children?
13th December 2013

Exeter Deaf Students have their say at National Conference
Students from Exeter Deaf College fight for the right to access specialist education!
11th December 2013

Johanna Lucht - It could have been so different
Johanna Lucht was isolated and being let down until effective communication was introduced to her life. Things changed then!
26th November 2013