
Mainstream Education Continues To Generate Unfair Results
With under half of deaf students achieving 5 A*-C GCSEs, options for higher education becomes limited
28th February 2016

Deaf Education in Kenya….Not there yet!
Leading to poor socioeconomic outcomes for Deaf people, education in Kenya relies almost entirely on the oral method of teaching
9th February 2016

Deaf School that holds fond memories under threat of closure
Made job ready at Margate Deaf School - 94 years old Dennis Harris was taught skills that served him well through adult life
8th December 2015

Cuts to Disabled Student's Allowance will especially disadvantage Deaf students
There are fears easier options around withdrawing university places might be taken instead
3rd December 2015

Born Deaf and fighting for a chance in Cameroon?
Thelma thrives in a Deaf School but fees leave her education in doubt
26th November 2015

The Battle is on for Deaf and HoH Children to Prove Their Passion for Reading
Entry for the 2015 Battle of the Books competition opens at Gallaudet University.
10th September 2015

Severe Litigation Might Lead to Changed Attitude in Teaching of Deaf Children
Deaf student is awarded significant costs by a school district who let him down
10th July 2015

Signing School Opened to Improve Outcomes Through Oral Approach
Parents and supporters take action to ensure their deaf children access education that has been designed with deaf children in mind
11th June 2015

Sign Language Helps all Children in Early Years Learning
30 years of research has consistently shown the benefits and finally some educators seem to be listening
10th June 2015

Leading and Pushing for Change, Braam Jordaan's Representation Promises Great Things
Young, vibrant and energetic, pushing for change for Deaf people has fast become a matter of principle
4th June 2015